Why I make my bed every morning

I will admit, I didn’t start making my bed in the mornings until I started working for myself full-time. Between walking the dogs, working out, picking up freelance projects, making dinner, packing a lunch (which usually consisted of an entire cucumber or head of celery, no joke) and rushing out the door, making the bed was the last thing on my mind. So when I eliminated my morning commute and started working from home, I started to make my bed every morning.

Watch my healthy morning work from home routine, where I share tips on how I start a productive morning.

Visually, it represents a clean bedroom. But deeper than that, making my bed is synonymous with a time-rich and productive lifestyle — a lifestyle where I no longer say “I don’t have time for that” and instead say “how can I fit that into my day.”

Here’s five reasons why I make my bed every morning (and why you should too!)

Why I make my bed every morning

It’s the first task of the day

Admiral McRaven’s speech about changing the world was the last thing I watched before I started making my bed, without question, day after day. It seemed that every word he said was like an ‘aha’ moment sparking in my brain. And since then I couldn’t agree with him more.

Above anything else, making my bed represents tackling the first thing on my ‘to-do’ list. It gives me a sense of satisfaction, and ultimately sets my mood for the rest of the day.

I believe that small accomplishments lead to big gains

“Small accomplishments lead to big gains.” I always heard quotes like that and thought nothing of it until I started my own company. Growing Soar Media Group from scratch has been my greatest lesson to date. And while people are usually looking for some grand statement about what I learnt in my first year, my answer is pretty simple — appreciate the small wins.

It only takes a few minutes to make the bed, but it the first step in creating a clean space — which is important to me since my home is also my workspace. With a clean workspace my mind is free from distraction and I can focus 100% on growing my business, each and every day.

I’m a little OCD… and Type A

Okay, okay. This is definitely one of the reasons why I make the bed every morning but I have no shame in admitting it! I love an organized, clean, perfect space. Making the bed helps set my OCD tendencies at ease. And for someone who takes immense pleasure in organizing, making the bed feels REALLY good.

I take pride in my belongings

I’ll never forget the first time I decided I wanted to buy a headboard. We were saving for our first property and paying high rent in Toronto. And when I saw how much a headboard cost, I was utterly upset — it was a purchase I just couldn’t justify buying at the time. So for two years I put the idea of a headboard on the back burner, continued building my savings, and finally after we bought our condo and had a healthy emergency fund, I bought it.

My points is this, I worked hard to buy my furniture, and every time I look in my bedroom I am reminded of that. I want to keep it tidy and clean because I take pride in it.

I go to bed stress-free

Instead of feeling negative, or unaccomplished when it’s time for bed, for the first time in three years, I go to bed every night excited to crawl under the covers. My bedroom is where I read and where I relax. It’s where I end my day and start my day. And I prefer to do both in a positive headspace!

::Get this look::

Pillow covers – Pottery Barn
Bed frame – Structube
Side tables – Wayfair Canada
Carpet – Wayfair Canada
Bench – Wayfair Canada
Curtains – Wayfair Canada

How do you stay productive in the mornings? Leave me a comment below!
